JR Wetmore's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Puno, Peru
Places edited in Volgograd, Russia
Places edited in Xian Shi, China
Places edited in Urubamba, Peru
Places edited in Athens, Greece
Places edited in Bucharest, Romania
Places edited in Cusco, Peru
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Bucharest, Romania

Monument to the Heroes of the Air

This sculpture used famed boxer Joe Louis as the inspiration behind its body.
Bucharest, Romania

Curtea Veche (Old Princely Court)

The bust of Romania’s most notorious ruler, Vlad Dracula aka "Vlad the Impaler," keeps watch over the ruins of his medieval court.
Irvine, California

The Original Taco Bell Building

Someone really, really wanted to save this fast-food icon from demolition.
Tustin, California

Tustin Blimp Hangar #2

This enormous World War II relic is one of the largest wooden structures in the world.
Glendale, California

Forest Lawn Cemetery

An extraordinary final resting place full of oversized art, amazing statues, and dead celebrities.
Sarasota, Florida

John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

A Circus legend leaves an unexpected endowment.
London, England

Wellington Monument

This once-controversial and slightly confusing statue of Achilles was built out of captured cannons.
London, England

Tower Bridge Chimney

An architectural oddity hides in plain sight on this iconic London bridge.
London, England

William Wallace Memorial

A plaque hangs near the execution place of the Scottish Independence leader famously depicted in "Braveheart."
London, England

Peter Pan Statue

A statue marks the exact spot where The Boy Who Never Grows Up made his first literary appearance.
London, England

Sir John Soane's Museum

A cluttered and astounding collection of antiquities and curiosities.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
Page, Arizona

Boiler Tube Slot Canyon

This unique art installation used boiler tubes from a decommissioned power plant to resemble Antelope Canyon.
Page, Arizona

Horseshoe Bend

Dramatic river bend surrounds a natural red-rocked pedestal.
Oak Park, Illinois

Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio

The first home and studio that belonged to the famous architect.
Oak Park, Illinois

Unity Temple

After an Illinois church was struck by lightning and burned down, Frank Lloyd Wright designed this replacement.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Frank Lloyd Wright's Burnham Block

Six tiny houses built for working class people form the largest intentional cluster of Wright homes anywhere.
Tillamook, Oregon

Tillamook Creamery

This unassuming cheese empire in rural Oregon churns out more than 150,000 pounds of cheese each day.
Lone Pine, California

The Museum of Western Film History

The hundreds of movies and television shows shot in this high desert town are commemorated in a unique museum.
Inyo County, California

Manzanar National Historic Site

The tragedy of the Japanese internment camps is remembered here by a stark "Soul Consoling Tower."
Hume, California

General Grant

The second-largest giant sequoia in the world.
Yosemite National Park, California

The Ahwahnee Hotel

The interior of the Overlook Hotel in "The Shining" was based on this Yosemite original.
Bishop, California

Erick Schat's Bakkerÿ

A charming desert roadside bakery that produces 10 times more bread daily than it has residents in its town.
Mono County, California

Crowley Lake Columns

Eons old volcanic activity created one of the most stunning rock formations in the United States.